Sekarang tidak usah susah - susah lagi untuk memindahkan data atau membackup data anda, ada software (hdclone) yang sangat profesional dalam pembackup data atau file - file di com/pc anda. Sebenarnya Banyak cara untuk membackup data, ada cara copy langsung atau dengan burning Rom dll. semua cara tersebut sangat memakan waktu yang banyak. tapi dengan hdclone ini kita bisa dengan cepat membackup data / file anda.
hdclone telah merilies versi terbarunya yaitu version 3.7.3 dari version sebelumnya 3.6.3, untuk menjalankan software ini sangat mudah dan simpel, anda tidak perlu meng instal di pc anda, cukup dengan meng klik setup aplikasinya dan jalan kan misi anda pembackupan. hdclone bisa membackup data kita dari CD ROM ke CD ROM, Partisi Ke Partisi, CD ROM Ke Partisi dan Partisi Ke CD ROM....!!
HDClone, the universal cloning tool
» for data rescue, backup, migration, mass installations etc.
» creates logical and physical 1:1 copies (= sector copies)
» NEW: creates logical and physical image files
» for use with hard disks and many other storage media
» self-booting and running on Windows XP/Vista/Server
HDClone creates alternatively physical or logical copies (clones) of hard disks and other mass storage media. HDClone is a perfect tool for backups and copies of entire software or operating system installations. A special 'SafeRescue' mode makes HDClone an invaluable tool for rescuing defective hard disks and other media. HDClone works independent of partitioning scheme, file system, and operating system. It also works with proprietary formats which otherwise would be unaccessible.
NEW: Image files
Instead of a direct copy from medium to medium, you can also store an exact image of medium in an image file. These images files can be stored, archived, or transmitted via network and the Internet. They can be restored at any time or place to a medium which then behaves just like a direct copy had been made.
Faster with SmartCopy mode
HDClone creates logical sector copies (SmartCopy) on FAT and NTFS file systems in only a fraction of the time usually needed - yielding an equivalent result. SmartCopy can clone an entire Windows XP base installation in less than 20 seconds for example.
AutoExpand - upsizing on the fly Let HDClone upsize your FAT and NTFS partitions automatically on the fly during copying.
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Dan apabila anda ingin memesan software + crack apapun yang anda inginkan atau yang sedang anda cari,,,,,,,,kirim ke email trojangen.89@gmail.com atau bisa menghubungi saya!!!!!!
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